St. Thomas of Canterbury: Boiler Update
Dear Parishioners,
As most of you are already, as many of you already know, our boiler in the church has been out of commission for the last couple of weeks. On Thursday, February 6 our contractor will begin the work of repairing it. The estimate for the work is $6,600. Hopefully, all will go as planned, Worship and other parish related ministry and events back, as well as those groups that use our space, will be able to resume in the church starting this weekend.
Though we try our best to plan for emergencies and other unexpected expenses, as you all know, our parish has limited resources. Many of you have already reached out to offer your support or to ask how to make a donation. If you are able to make contribution, please but address your checks to St. Thomas of Canterbury Episcopal Church will "BOILER" written on the memo line. If you wish to contribute online, using our convenient website, please press HERE to go to that page. Any amount is helpful and most appreciated.
With or without a boiler, we continue to find ways in which to live into Christ's call to serve and worship. With the Wardens and Vestry, I offer my prayers of thanksgiving to God for everyone's willingness to make church happen here at STOC. God bless you all for all your faithfulness and joy no matter what we are faced with as a community of Jesus's love.
God bless you all.
In Christ,
Father John Jeffrey+
Dear Parishioners,
As most of you are already, as many of you already know, our boiler in the church has been out of commission for the last couple of weeks. On Thursday, February 6 our contractor will begin the work of repairing it. The estimate for the work is $6,600. Hopefully, all will go as planned, Worship and other parish related ministry and events back, as well as those groups that use our space, will be able to resume in the church starting this weekend.
Though we try our best to plan for emergencies and other unexpected expenses, as you all know, our parish has limited resources. Many of you have already reached out to offer your support or to ask how to make a donation. If you are able to make contribution, please but address your checks to St. Thomas of Canterbury Episcopal Church will "BOILER" written on the memo line. If you wish to contribute online, using our convenient website, please press HERE to go to that page. Any amount is helpful and most appreciated.
With or without a boiler, we continue to find ways in which to live into Christ's call to serve and worship. With the Wardens and Vestry, I offer my prayers of thanksgiving to God for everyone's willingness to make church happen here at STOC. God bless you all for all your faithfulness and joy no matter what we are faced with as a community of Jesus's love.
God bless you all.
In Christ,
Father John Jeffrey+
The Episcopal Church of St. Thomas of Canterbury The Presentation of the Christ Child in the Temple
February 2, 2025
This Week at STOC:
Due to No Heat in the Church
Worship will be held in the Parish House
Sunday, February 2, 2025 at 10 a.m.
Due to repairs being made on the church boiler, we will only have one Celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 10 a.m. in the Parish House at 90 Edgewater Ave. Our apologies to our 8 o’clockers.
All Activities in the Church for the
Week of February 2nd are Cancelled
Warrant Notice: Annual Parish Meeting
February 16, 2025
Notice is hereby given of the Annual Parish Meeting of the Episcopal Church of St. Thomas of Canterbury, Smithtown, NY., due to heating issues, has been postponed to Sunday, February 16, 2025.
There will be a Celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 9 a.m. followed by a Potluck Brunch and Meeting. Please bring a dish or dessert to share.
Bunco Night
Has been re-scheduled for
Friday, February 21, 7:30 p.m.
Bunco originally scheduled for Friday, January 31st, has been re-scheduled for Friday, February 21st.
Tickets must be purchased in advance by contacting Nancy Esposito, 631-804-3364 or Pat Reynolds, 631-374-9281. Doors open at 6:45 p.m. Game play starts at 7:30 p.m.
Narcan Training - SAVE A LIFE!!!
February 11 at 7 p.m.
Narcan Training (teaching people how to recognize and respond to opioid overdoses)
Class is FREE Tuesday, February 11, 7 p.m. in the Church Hall.
PLEASE RSVP so we have enough materials. Contact Pat Reynolds at 631-374-9281 (cell) or email
[email protected] to RSVP.
February Contemplative Eucharist
Tuesday, February 18, 7 p.m.
Beginner’s Mahjongg
February 3 – March 24
Beginner Mahjongg! Learn to play this historic, social and fun game with Nancy Esposito. The six week course will be held on the following Monday nights from 7-9 pm on February 3, 10 and 24 and March 3, 10 and 24. Feel free to sign up with friends and family. Contact Nancy to sign up: 631-804-3364. Course fee is $60 and all proceeds go to St Thomas of Canterbury.
* On February 3rd we will meet in the Parish House.
All other dates will be held in our Fellowship Hall.
A Call for Old Palms
Please bring in your palm leaves from last year, beginning Sunday, February 9th. They will be burned to create the ashes used on Ash Wednesday. Please place them in the box at the back of the church.
Ash Wednesday Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes
Wednesday, March 5, 2025 at Noon and 7 p.m.
The 2025 Lent, Holy Week and Easter Worship Calendar will be Posted Soon
Prayer List
Adrian, Andrew, Arthur, Barbara, Bernice, Beth, Betty, Clayton, Dan, Ethan, Gary, Herb, Margo, Incensia,
Irma, Jack, Jim, Kaela, Larry, Lawrence, Loretta, Marilyn, Pam, Paul, Peter, Steven, Tim
This Week’s Birthday Wishes Go To:
8th – Erin Jordan, Jonathan Tong, Kim Ruggiero
Today’s Ministers of the Altar
Celebrant The Very Rev. John Jeffrey Purchal
Deacon The Rev. Judy Carrick
Organist Mr. Joseph Raffaele
ASL Interpreter Mr. Paul Smith
Altar Guild Deb Jordan, Pat Reynolds
Reader Sheila Furlong Yarosh
Acolyte Catharine McMillian
Usher Jennifer Tong
Counter Vince Reynolds
For more information about St. Thomas of Canterbury, updates, schedules and worship materials, check out our
parish website:
To My St. Thomas Family,
With mixed feelings, I am leaving St. Thomas to begin retirement life.
I have been blessed to wake up each weekday for the past 21 years and go to a job that feels like a
second home. For all these years, I have been happy here, very happy.
I will miss working in such a beautiful office, surrounded by windows on three sides, looking out at the grass, the trees, and the birds each day. Watching the seasons change. Such a happy space to work in.
You all have been so kind, so generous, so loving to me. How blessed I have been to be surrounded by
this, by all of you. Many of you have no idea that your words to me over the years have been
comforting, supportive, so loving.
Father John Jeffrey and Deacon Judy, I love you both and feel so lucky to have been surrounded,
always, by your caring and warmth.
To all the St. Thomas family, thank you for giving me twenty one happy and supportive years.
With love,